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Dads and Grads

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Tree In A Box

June brings longer days and brighter sun for most of us. June also brings great milestones such as Father’s Day and Graduations, to many of us as well.

First let’s talk about those who are graduating this year. High Schools, Colleges and Universities all across the country are recognizing the hard work that students have put forth. If you or someone you know is graduating this month, we want to also pass along our heartfelt congratulations for all the hard work you put in to achieve the status of GRADUATE. While you look upon the next stage of your life, it is also a great time to celebrate with your loved ones and also provide a token of commemoration.

Father's Day kitAlong with graduation season, Father’s Day is almost upon us as well. This is a great time to celebrate all the amazing dads out there and recognize all the ways Dads support their kids as chauffeur, cook, repair man, cheerleader, teacher, horse, friend and or any other role that your dad fills in your life. There are several ways to show your appreciation for and many ways to celebrate dads.

How about recognizing your grad or dad with a Tree In A Box. Give a gift that provides an eco-Friendly commemoration that will be a daily reminder of all the reasons we celebrate our loved ones. Why not customize a tree kit specifically for your Dad or Grad? By personalizing your gift, it will provide something special for that someone special in your life.

Help family, friends, and party guests remember the special day with a party favor that lasts a lifetime. Tree In A Box tree growing kits leave lasting memories that will grow and benefit the world just like your recent graduate, or be as strong and sturdy just like celebrated dads out there.

From the Tree In A Box Family to yours;




Since 1991, we've sold over 2.2 million tree kits.

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