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Blog - Wedding Favor

Bring Nature into Your Wedding

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Contrary to the groundhog, it seems like spring is just around the corner. What that means for many of us, is the planting of our gardens and the start of beautiful colors just waiting to come out after a long winters rest.

To perhaps the envy of others, some are planning the grand details of their personal beautiful day. One of the most beautiful things we can do is incorporate nature into our lives. Nature has a way of providing us with some of the best backdrops for special events like weddings. Nature also gives us the absolute best places to enjoy your honeymoon.

What is the best way to remind ourselves and our guests of this wonderful day for years to come? Pictures are nice but why not make a living memory.


One way to make a living memory is to provide a customized Tree In A Box kit to all of your guests. These custom tree kits can be personalized with your wedding date, names and even your picture. On top of that, it contains everything one needs to sprout their very own tree in commemoration of your union. Tree In A Box kits make great wedding favors due to their compact size and huge positive environmental impact. Small enough that anyone can find space in their luggage to take one home. Once sprouted, each tree will grow as your relationship grows and will continue to provide the life-giving air that will sustain your loving lives together.

Not only will Tree In A Box kits provide a living reminder of your special day but trees also provide a great way to offset the carbon impact of your wedding. Take a look out our site to calculate how many trees it would take to offset the carbon footprint of your wedding day. It is our responsibility to do our best to be good stewards of the environment.Tree In A Box tree growing kits are a great way to celebrate and give something back to the wonders that give us so much.

With our beautiful packaging and 100% seed guarantee, we provide one less thing to worry about. The boxes are bright and colorful and with your added custom wedding seal, there is no need for additional wrapping or presentation to incorporate them into your wedding theme. With our 100% seed guarantee, we eliminate the stress about providing a gift to guests that isn’t useful. If for any reason a guest cannot get their seed to sprout, they just need to send us a note and we will send them a new package of seeds to try again and again until they get their tree to sprout.

Let us take a little bit of the stress out of your wedding, let us help you provide a unique and truly green wedding favor to your guests.

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How can you have a Green Wedding

We wanted to say thank you to all of you who are returning to read the next installment on ideas of how you can offset your wedding carbon footprint. I invite those who have not read part 1 yet to review our previous post about reasons why you should have a Green Wedding.Let’s talk about paper products first; [...]

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Since 1991, we've sold over 2.2 million tree kits.

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